April 20, 2024



‘NBC Nightly News’ Catches UFO On Camera During Story About Navajo Indians

UFO flying over forest at night.

John Jay & Rich

By Dave Basner

December 16, 2022

The Southwest is a hotbed for UFO activity – it’s where Roswell is as well as the site of the infamous Area 51, where the government is rumored to house extraterrestrial crafts. There have been plenty of sightings in Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada and this week, one was caught on camera, but not just any camera, a camera belonging to NBC Nightly News.

Reporter Cynthia McFadden was taking a close look at the water crisis that Arizona’s Navajo Nation is currently facing during the pandemic, and as cameras rolled on Native Americans playing instruments and singing, an unidentified disc-shaped object can be seen high above them, bursting through clouds and flying across the sky.

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