February 11, 2025



Powerful paroxysmal eruptive episode at Etna, Italy

The Watchers

By Teo Blaskovic

July 2, 2021

A new powerful paroxysmal episode started at Etna’s Southeast Crater, late July 1, 2021, and lasted approximately 120 minutes. This was the 5th paroxysm since June 25 and the first since June 28.

Strombolian activity at the Southeast Crater resumed at 22:40 UTC on July 1 and evolved into lava fountaining at 22:50 UTC, followed by SW lava flow shortly after.

The Aviation Color Code was raised to Red at 22:57 UTC and lowered back to Orange at 04:20 UTC on July 2.

Ash cloud produced by the eruption rose up to 6 km (20 000 feet) above sea level.

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