September 18, 2024



UFO Discovered In Old Photo From Space Taken By Apollo Astronaut In 1960s


By Dave Basner

August 9, 2024

It seems lately there have been a lot of UFO sightings, but folks witnessing unidentified objects flying around isn’t a new thing. For centuries there have been stories of people seeing strange things in the sky, though it wasn’t until the late 40’s and early 50’s, with tensions over the Cold War and the Korean War at a high, that the fascination with UFOs really picked up. Many people claimed to have seen UFOs back then, but since it was during a time when no one had a cameraphone in their pocket that could photograph or record the crafts, there wasn’t much proof. However, that doesn’t mean strange flying objects weren’t captured on camera. In fact, one was just discovered in a photograph from the 1960s taken by one of NASA’s own astronauts during an early Apollo mission spacewalk.

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