May 5, 2024



Modified Creature Doesn’t Need to Breathe Anymore

Health Thoroughfare

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Breathing could be even more important than love, but not for a certain creature that has been scientifically modified to attain the mind-blowing characteristic of not needing oxygen to survive. A team of scientists from the Ludwig Maximilians University used some biological gimmick to keep tadpoles alive without such creatures having the need to breathe anymore, according to The Scientist.

Tadpoles represent the larval stage in an amphibian’s life cycle. As for an amphibian, they’re ectothermic and tetrapod vertebrates of the class known as Amphibia. All of the living amphibians belong to the group Lissamphibia. The researchers created a symbiotic connection between microbe and amphibian that will keep the latter alive despite lacking oxygen.

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