May 2, 2024



Ex-McDonald’s worker ‘disturbed’ after discovering raunchy Ronald McDonald toy

Mirror Co UK

By Emma RosemurgeyAudience Writer
  • 13:01, 14 Dec 2021
  • UPDATED13:07, 14 Dec 202

Ronald McDonald is a famous face pretty much everyone will know, thanks to the swaths of kids parties held at McDonald’s branches all over the UK and beyond.

He’s a family-friendly face who represents the fast-food chain, and yet, one former McDonald’s worker has been left feeling disturbed after seeing the iconic clown in a whole new light.


Sy Ewing couldn’t quite believe his eyes after he discovered a bizarre Ronald McDonald’ figurine in a charity shop, displaying the clown in red Speedos, with a bunch of fries poking out the top. Our eyes simply cannot unsee.

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