May 19, 2024



Reptilian race encounter during CIA interdimensional experiments

Strange Sounds

March 1, 2022

Robert Allan Monroe (1915 –1995), born in Wabash, Indiana was a radio broadcasting executive who became known for his research into altered consciousness and founding The Monroe Institute. His 1971 book Journeys Out of the Body is credited with popularizing the term “out-of-body experience”.

In 1958 radio broadcasting executive Robert Monroe suffered a series of bizarre events. At the age of 43, he began feeling a strong vibration deep within his chest. Suddenly the sensation grew so intense that he was forced to lay down. Once reclined, the typically rational businessman found himself hovering outside of his body. He immediately panicked thinking he had died but the crippling fear abruptly returned him to his physical form. Similar episodes soon followed in which he weightlessly floated around the room.

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