May 5, 2024



When Will Regular People Be Able to Visit the Moon?


By Daniel Kolitz

June 28, 2021

As a tourist destination, the Moon doesn’t have a lot to offer: no beaches, no museums, no oxygen. On the other hand, it does have the virtue of being the Moon. The fucking Moon! That’s reason enough, really, to justify a trip, but try booking a flight and you’ll quickly run into obstacles. You’ll be told that NASA more or less dismantled its sending-people-to-the-Moon capacities decades ago and is only now building them back up. You’ll be told that even if, somehow, Moon tourism were made possible, it would be affordable only to the super-rich. Which raises the question: When will us common folk get to make the trip? For this week’s Giz Asks, we queried the experts to find out.

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