May 3, 2024



Popular non-alcoholic drink associated with blood clot formation within ‘1 hour’ of intake

Blood Clot or thrombus blocking the red blood cells stream within an artery or a vein 3D rendering illustration. Thrombosis, cardiovascular system, medicine, biology, health, anatomy, pathology concepts.

Express Co UK


BLOOD clots can set the scene for serious complications so it’s vital to minimise the risk of developing them. Research suggests a popular non-alcoholic drink can kickstart the formation of blood clots within 60 minutes of consumption.

Blood clots are not intrinsically bad. In fact, they are beneficial when they form in response to an injury or a cut, because they stem bleeding. However, when blood clots form inside your veins without good reason, they can be a portent of serious complications. Poor dietary decisions can promote the formation of the latter type.