May 2, 2024



Bing vs. Bard: The ultimate AI chatbot showdown

This illustration depicts a Janus head with one female human face and one female robotic face. The human face is shown with features such as eyes, nose, and mouth, while the robotic face is depicted with metallic features including sensors and antennas. Both faces are facing in opposite directions, similar to the Roman god Janus who is depicted as a double-headed figure standing at the threshold between the past and the future. The human face appears to be looking towards the past, while the robotic face is gazing towards the future. This illustration could symbolize the concept of human and machine having different perspectives and complementing each other.


By Cecily Mauran  on 

Google’s AI chatbot Bard is now available, which means it’s time for Bard and Bing to dance.

It’s a matchup of epic proportions, one that puts Google‘s search engine dominance at stake and has big implications for how AI will be adopted by other tech companies.

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