November 6, 2024



‘Heroin Chic’ Body Type Was Harmful, But ‘Kim Kardashian’ One is Even Worse, Study Says

Sputnik International

By Daria Bedenko

February 5, 2022

Many have already sounded the alarm over how insta-divas can affect a young women’s body image, sometimes driving the strive to look perfect to the verge of nonsense. Meanwhile, recent years have seen the rise of “body positivity”, prompting plus-size women to weigh in, taking trends in another, equally absurd direction.
The well-known “heroin chic” body type that had been contaminating mass culture since the early nineties appears to have been supplanted by another body image. Unfortunately this new one, popularised by celebrities like Kim Kardashian, may be even worse, according to a new study.

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