May 19, 2024



New Report Exposes Growing, Billion Dollar Budget Fiasco In Illinois’ Free Medicaid Program For Undocumented Immigrants

Big bomb of money hundred dollar bills with a burning wick. Little time before the explosion. The concept of financial crisis


By Mark Glennon

April 24, 2023

How can it happen that an annual program would cost 94 times times what Illinoisans were told it would cost just three years ago — $188 million in its first year? With subsequent extensions it now costs nearly $1 billion per year and growing, money the state doesn’t have.

A better question: How could it not happen, given the abject disregard for cost of the program and Illinois’ routinely scandalous budget process?

And wait ’till you hear the excuse for the fiasco from Gov. J.B Pritzker’s administration.

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