April 28, 2024



Hundreds of Colorado newspapers stolen day it publishes story on teen’s alleged rape in police chief’s home

New York Post

By Katherine Donlevy
Published Jan. 19, 2024, 8:32 p.m. ET

Stacks of local Colorado newspapers were stolen from their racks Wednesday morning — just hours after a bombshell story detailing a teen’s alleged gang rape at the police chief’s home ran on the front page.

The Ouray County Plaindealer broke the shocking news that three teenagers, including Chief Jeff Wood’s son, were accused of sexually assaulting a drunken girl on the bathroom floor as she faded in and out of consciousness.

Readers who preferred the physical paper didn’t get a chance to read the piece, however, according to Plaindeadler co-publisher Erin McIntyre, who authored the story.

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