May 15, 2024



NASA decommissioning International Space Station: Bold ocean landing plan

MSN – RBC Ukraine

by Oleksandra Bashchenko 

January 17, 2024

The International Space Station (ISS) has been a home for astronauts and cosmonauts from around the world for the past 20 years. But its time in space is set to end by 2030 and NASA is already making plans to safely bring down the ISS, which is currently in low Earth orbit, according to USA Today.

What is the International Space Station

It is the biggest space station to have ever been built. The ISS was created through a global partnership of space agencies and has hosted over 260 spacefarers from 20 countries since its launch in November 2000. Crew members on the ISS conduct scientific experiments, orbiting Earth 16 times a day. It is equipped with sleeping quarters, bathrooms, a gym, and a bay window with a 360-degree view.

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