April 29, 2024



NASA proposes radical plan to fight climate change that involves injecting the atmosphere with millions of tons of ice to cool the planet

"Cape Canaveral, FL, USA- January 2, 2011: The NASA's Logo Signage at the Kennedy Space Center, NASA in Florida, USA."

Daily Mail News – Science


PUBLISHED: 17:02 EST, 29 February 2024 | UPDATED: 17:03 EST, 29 February 2024

NASA scientists have revealed an ambitious strategy to combat climate change – by seeding the atmosphere with ice.

The method would involve sending high-altitude planes that fly 58,000 feet above the surface, more than 20,000 feet higher than commercial planes, and spraying ice particles into the upper atmosphere.

According to the proposal, this would freeze water remove water vapor before it turns into greenhouse gas emissions, which traps heat from escaping into space – ultimately increasing temperatures on Earth.

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