May 6, 2024



Ottawa City Councillor Demands Government Seize $7 Million Raised By Canadian Truckers

Zero Hedge

By Tyler Durden – February 2, 2022

GoFundMe famously caved last week under an immense public backlash and decided to release the first tranche of the millions of dollars raised on the platform to support the Canadian truckers and their “Freedom Convoy” which led a massive protest in Ottawa over the weekend to protest Canada’s draconian COVID-related restrictions. The protest seems to have already had some impact on Canadian society, since the Governor of Quebec just yesterday abandoned plans to impose a “health tax” on unvaccinated residents, before whipping out the conciliatory rhetoric about bridge-building.

Unfortunately for the Truckers and their supporters, the Canadian government hasn’t stopped trying to end the protest by any means necessary, including – if they must – seizing money that was lawfully raised in a public setting.

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