May 5, 2024



Tucker Carlson Completely Dismisses Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, Citing ‘No Evidence’ with Joe Rogan: ‘It’s Not a New Idea!’


By  Zachary Leeman

Apr 22nd, 2024, 9:45 am

Tucker Carlson rejected Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution in a recent interview on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast.

During a discussion on AI, in which Carlson called the technology a threat to humanity, the conversation turned to the topic of evolution as Joe Rogan pushed back on some of Carlson’s AI concerns.

“Maybe a good use of nuclear weapons would be to hit the data centers,” Carlson said at one point.

As Rogan laughed at the idea, Carlson added, “No, I’m serious. Why is that crazy?”

“It’s not if you think that human beings are the end of this evolutionary chain,” Rogan said.

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