April 29, 2024



Wild video captures NYC driver getting out of car to shove anti-Israel protesters: ‘You’re disrupting traffic, idiots!’

New York Post

By Jesse O’Neill
Published Jan. 8, 2024, 3:42 p.m. ET

Wild video shows the moment an exasperated driver fed up with Monday’s anti-Israel protest in Manhattan jumps out of his car to physically confront the demonstrators blocking his path.

The clip, shared by Writers Against the War on Gaza on Instagram, captures the motorist trying to turn left from the Bowery onto the Manhattan Bridge as rabble-rousers urge him to “run them over!”

“You’re disrupting traffic, idiots! You can’t do that, that’s against the law!,” the agitated driver shouts at the protesters before getting out from behind the wheel of his maroon Honda SUV.

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